Do you ever wonder if someone could brush their teeth too often? Maybe it seems like a strange thought. The good news about brushing your teeth is that it is fast, affordable, and makes a huge difference. There are real benefits. But there is no plaque detector available to help guide us as to how often or when we should brush, so we just do it multiple times a day.
“Can you have your spine checked too often?” is a question that does frequently come up, unlike the brushing too often question. Spinal subluxations (misaligned vertebra interfering with the nervous system) are not something we are generally aware of and the only subluxation detectors that exist are Chiropractors.
There is another common question: “Can I get adjusted too often?” If you get checked and you have a subluxation, you should get adjusted. Whenever a subluxation is present it is robbing your body of life and is always bad, so it is always good to get adjusted if you have a subluxation. But if you get checked and there are no subluxations present, then no adjustment is necessary.
The stresses of everyday life take their toll on our bodies and subluxations occur as a result. While you might not come in as frequently as you brush your teeth, weekly visits are one of the best ways to invest in your health and reap the real rewards that a spine free of vertebral subluxations, and a nervous system functioning without interference, can bring into your life.
It is easy enough to get your spine checked in the office regularly, to see if you need an adjustment, and no, you cannot be checked too often.