
Message from Chiropractor Carly

I feel blessed to have the opportunity as a Chiropractor to witness what the body is capable of when the inborn wisdom or life force that runs it is given a better chance to fully express itself. Some of the potential ADDED BENEFITS of a clear nerve supply due to regular Chiropractic care that people […]


Can I Be Adjusted Too Often

Do you ever wonder if someone could brush their teeth too often? Maybe it seems like a strange thought. The good news about brushing your teeth is that it is fast, affordable, and makes a huge difference. There are real benefits. But there is no plaque detector available to help guide us as to how […]


What Chiropractic Is NOT

Chiropractic adjustments have many benefits, but this post is to tell you what it does not do. Chiropractic is not a substitute for medical care.  Chiropractic is not a pill.  Chiropractic is not something you take or do to cover up symptoms.  Chiropractic is not “alternative medicine”.  There is no “alternative” to medicine. Medicine’s purpose is […]